Young People

Children of all ages are welcome in our church.

We know that children often make a noise; we know they’re never still for long; we know they like to wander and explore. That’s all fine. Jesus welcomed children, and so do we – and you don’t need to be embarrassed if they make their presence obvious.

If you do find yourself wanting somewhere else to go during the service, the Trinity Room (at the back, in the corner) is normally free. It isn’t staffed, so you’ll need to stay with your child yourself. There are a few toys in there, and the service will be relayed on a speaker so you won’t miss what’s going on.


In addition to Sundays, we regularly offer the sessions below.

Stepping Stones

This weekly group for pre-school children and babies with their parents and carers meets in the Trinity Room in Church at 9.45am on Mondays. The purpose behind this group is to give children an introduction to church in an informal way. Many of the children coming have already had a contact with church through baptism and this is an excellent follow up. There is no charge.

Messy Church - 2023

Messy Church is being refreshed and we plan to have several sessions through the year. We also have Messy Monday Mornings, when older children can join with pre-schoolers at Stepping Stones in school holidays. Check back soon for the latest dates.

Baptism and Confirmation

We welcome children of all ages to be baptised. If you are interested in being confirmed. please talk to the Rector.