We are committed to the safeguarding, care and nurture of everyone within our community. To be free to worship and participate in the life of the Church, people need to feel safe and included.
Good safeguarding practice helps to ensure that everyone is welcome in a church community and shows how we value people and treat them with respect.
We have committed ourselves to take all steps within our power to keep vulnerable people in our Church communities safe from harm and from abuse of trust.
We aim to:
If you have a safeguarding concern, please contact the following person within the Parish:
Parish Safeguarding Officer:
Anne Peppitt – 01328 878355 or anne.peppitt@uwclub.net
You may also report a concern direct to the Bishop’s Safeguarding Office:
Bishop’s Safeguarding Officer:
Sue Brice – 07958 377079 or sue.brice@dioceseofnorwich.org
Safeguarding information is available from the Diocese of Norwich website at https://www.dioceseofnorwich.org/training/safeguarding.
This page has details of how anyone can report a concern.
Upper Market Place, Fakenham, Norfolk NR21 9DY