
With its position right by the Market Place, Fakenham Parish Church is, in more ways than one, a centre for worship at the heart of the community. We are therefore mindful of people’s many and various needs, and we try to offer variety in worship. 

The church is open from  8.30am until around 5.30pm (dusk  in the winter months). Throughout the year we hold a number of special services and are always pleased to see new faces.  Regular annual services include our Harvest Service, an All Souls Service for the bereaved held near All Saints’ Day (1st November), the Town Service on Remembrance Sunday afternoon, a Christingle service in December along with a very popular Carols Service and Christmas Eve Communion. We offer traditional services for the seasons of Advent, Lent and Easter. 

There is always provision of a quiet area in church for private prayer. Normally this is the chapel in the south aisle near the votive stand, where you may light a candle (no charge) as you pray for a particular person or cause. Bibles, prayer books, prayer cards and leaflets are available there.

The main services in our regular weekly pattern of worship are given below.

Sunday Worship

We are open for Sunday worship every week at 10am. On the 1st, 3rd, 4th and 5th Sundays of the month we celebrate Parish Communion (Common Worship). On the 2nd Sunday we hold an informal service at 10 am (our ‘Second Sunday Special’) based on a different theme each month. Also on the 2nd Sunday, we celebrate Parish Communion at 8am (Book of Common Prayer)

Thursday Market Day Communion

Our regular Market Day communion service is at 9.30am on Thursdays, followed by our Church Cafe and Stalls, to which all are welcome. This is a said service and lasts about 30 minutes.

Choral Evensong

Choral Evensong is sung by the choir on the 2nd Sunday of most months, starting at 6.30pm. This is a peaceful, contemplative evening service; a time of calm before whatever the week ahead will bring!