Today as you enter Fakenham you see the magnificent 14th Century Church (which replaced an earlier Saxon Church) and many visitors to the town will just see another glorious Norfolk church of historic interest.
We are, however, a living community and at the heart of the Church (dedicated to St Peter and St Paul) is the worship of God, which has taken place over many centuries. The lit candles on the votive stand in the side Chapel are a sign that this place is a special place of prayer.
The Church is open from 8.30am – 5pm each day and over 50,000 people visit the Church each year.
As well as worship, the Church is used for many other activities, but always there is a special place for prayer and quiet during these events. We will meet you where you are on your Christian journey. Our aim is to be first and foremost an accepting and loving Church. We are neither ‘High Church’ nor ‘Low’ – in many ways we are very ordinary. People matter far more than ritual, although we aim to have worship of a high quality.
If you visit or worship with us we will value you and love you.
We completed a wide ranging process of Mission Action Planning in 2018, that formed our Mission, Objective and Vision. Whilst these have been the basis of everything we do, like everyone else, we need to find a new to be church being during the global pandemic. We are revisiting this as a church in 2023.
To demonstrate the love of God to the people and community of Fakenham.
To build our spirituality and capacity so that, as a growing church, we are able to play an active part in the life of our changing town.
By the end of 2022 we envisage a church which is fittingly resourced with people, finance and facilities to meet the spiritual needs of our parish. It will be a safe place full of light, colour and blessing, fully engaged with our local community and reflecting God’s love for all.
Upper Market Place, Fakenham, Norfolk NR21 9DY